Sunday, April 14, 2019

Catania Zone Conference April 2019

The Rome Italy Temple open house began in January and continued through March 12 with the dedication.  It altered all scheduled meetings in our mission.  President Pickerd was convinced that mission business would continue as usual even though a huge historical event was happening in Rome. “Fill the Rome Temple” was our quest! We all worked hard to make sure that came close to happening. We did have the opportunity to hold a separate Catania Zone Conference in Rome on the temple grounds. The Sorelle went to Rome early in January and the Anziani went the last week in February.  Every missionary was able to see and tour the Rome Temple.  However, we haven’t had a Catania Zone Conference together since December. Needless to say we were all happy to host the Catania Zone Conference in April!
Sorella Kaesler, Sorella Gonzalez, Sorella Dwomoh, Sorella Gisseman, Sorella Neff, Sorella Hardman
Anziano Hernandez, Anziano Nielsen, Sorella Ohran, Sorella Francom, Anziano Martin, Anziano Hahn
Anziano Andrel, Anziano Sabin, Sorella Chadbolt, Sorella Brock, Anziano Alder, Anziano Banning,
Anziano Bazan, Anziano Smartt, AP Anziano Huntsman, AP Anziano Wagstaff, President and Sorella Pickerd, 
Anziano and Sorella Anderson 

 And what do missionaries in Catania like for lunch????  A whole Pizza, Dr. Pepper,  A&W Root Beer topped off with a Bomba! Pure carbs and sugar!!!
Catania District "P" Day activity
Clearly they are all suffering from that high carb lunch!!!

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