Sunday, April 28, 2019

Bozichs check out Italy

Craig’s sister Sarah and her husband Craig came to visit Sicily.  Their visit provided us one more opportunity to visit all of our favorite restaurants and the need to have gelato at least once a day sometimes twice! We tried desperately to cram in as much as we could to each day, Sarah reminded us daily “I don’t like to be rushed,” but we continued to go from city to city.  We really wanted them to see and experience all of the amazing things we have enjoyed! Every evening as we finally managed to stop for dinner, Sarah reminded us again the she wasn’t ready to leave yet and wanted to enjoy and absorb the moment. 
Elephant Square, Catania

The Catania Fish Market is older than America but the fish are caught each morning!
244 Steps each with a different tile pattern in Caltanssetta!
The Christian section of Randazzo
  The weather is always unpredictable, but this year seems to be full of surprises.  The annual Sahara Sand winds started early in the week and continued most of the week.  They blow sand all the way from Africa that appears like fog or smog hanging in the air.  It is horrible for allergies and worse on the lungs as you inhale the dust.  That was a wicked combination with the already existing Etna silt we always have.  There were a couple of days that it was difficult to see out the car windows!
Washing the car windows so we could see the sights!
 We did make one unfortunate choice, Thursday turned out to be Italian Liberation Day, a National Holiday, as we arrived at the Roman Mosaic baths in Piazza Armenia the crowded parking lot was the first indicator, as we got closer to the ticket venue the mile long line was the cincher.  This was not a good day to visit a UNESCO sight. We were able to compensate with an amazing lunch at the historic center of the city.
Outside lunch on a sunny day in Piazza Armenia!
 We continued each day and enjoyed the time we had together in spite of whatever else cropped up! That is the Anderson Spirit! 
Gelato Stop #1

Two-A-Day Gelato drills!

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