Saturday, September 8, 2018

Modica Adventure

We never plan to do just one thing, but always try to maximize a day out with some adventure.  We needed to complete an apartment inspection in Ragusa both Anziani and Sorelle, so we left in the morning for a 2:30PM appointment with the Anziaini followed by a District Council Meeting @3:30 PM, then a 5:00PM Sorelle apartment inspection then finished the day with a concert at the Ragusa Chapel at 7:00PM performed by Anziano Jacob Clark.  Anziano Clark is a very talented musician performing, Bach,  Mozart, Chopin, Liszt, and Janice Kapp Perry for a packed chapel  applauding wildly and shouting "Bravo!"

There is no music anywhere, one full hour all in the head! That Kawai never sounded so good!

Ragusa is about an hour and a half distance from our apartment so that left  us with a few hours before our appointments.  Modica just happens to be  right on the way! Italy is great.

Modica was destroyed by the earthquake in 1693, but in this catastrophe there was opportunity and the result mean the city has enjoyed UNESCO protection since 2002.

On a backstreet in front of a thick oak door one of Modicas’ most recent secrets stands.   

This was only discovered 30 years ago by a young man playing soccer on the street, as his ball disappeared among the rubble of an old building he found himself searching  for his ball inside a cavern with a fresco on the wall.  Within a few steps, the tempretature cools and the corridor opens to a dimly-lit chapel the Chiesa Rupestre di San Nicolo Inferiore  carved into rock and covered by a beautifully painted Byzantine fresco.  On the apse, above a limestone altar, a faded mural depicts Christ in a rich indigo cloak, holding the gospel and supported by saints with halos. It’s incredible such history was hidden for so long!
The entire fresco!

Jesus Christ sits in the center representing the King of the Universe. He wears a red tunic with a blue mantle, holding the Gospels with the inscription EGO SUM LUX  MUNDI.( Iam the light of the world).

The icon of the Virgin Mary holding the Holy Child is widespread in Italy.

Saint Vitus or The Healer was responsible to set people free from illness.

Saint Peter with the white curly hair holds the keys, he represents the blessing Saint, also wearing red with a blue mantle.

Baptismal font on the right of the fresco.

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