How to Prepare to be
a Missionary
The six missionaries assigned to Catania decided to prepare
a ward Missionary Prep Activity for the Catania Ward.
The only tree on the property of the Catania Ward. Anziani Huntsman, Waddell, Misa and McDonald along with Sorelle Cattani and Kaesler |
Friday, September 14 was the designated presentation
activity. They decided on four objectives:
1.You need
to be physically fit.
Anziano Waddell played volleyball on his International School team in Lima, Peru! He and Anziano Hunstman gave volleyball lessons in the church parking lot. |
2.You will
need to be able to do some cooking.
Sorelle Kaesler and Cattani taught a cooking class on Banana Boats! |
I must admit, I have never had a Banana Boat! They were tasty. |
3. You will need to learn different cultures.
Anziani Misa and Macdonald conquered the Polynesian HAKKA! |
Even with a tie! |
You will need to study and focus on the scriptures
We have great missionaries, the Catania Ward is one lucky ward! They are ready to train those new missionaries! |
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