Sunday, February 11, 2018

My First Zone Conference

I think it could be called “baptism by fire.” We had the opportunity to attend Zone conference with the 26 missionaries that are currently assigned to the Catania Zone.  President Pickerd arrived on Friday evening from Rome and set up interviews with each of the missionaries then our Zone conference began on Saturday morning.  To my great relief the whole conference was in English.  While we were in the Rome Mission Home President Pickerd told us,  “you are going to be surrounded by the best missionaries in the Rome Italy mission.  Sicily is so far away from Rome, I am very selective and careful about whom I send to Sicily, only the most dependable and the valiant missionaries are assigned to Sicily.”  That was confirmed for me at our first Italian Zone conference.  The Anzani and Sorelli were absolutely amazing; they are capable and willing to move forward in whatever President Pickerd asks! It was a day of reading, questions, study and answers, very fulfilling and gratifying.  I have to say I love studying with the Anziani and Sorelli in Sicily. 

President Pickerd is an outstanding leader, he knew every Missionary by name, discussed with each their family circumstance and their assignment.  We have native Italian missionaries, North American missionaries and a sprinkling of other nations creating a very interesting set of circumstances from which they all have arrived in Sicily.  President Pickerd has capitalized on each of their strengths, talents and challenges to create a Gospel Force to be reckoned with.  They set a goal for the next six weeks to have 36 baptisms in the Rome Italy Mission with five of those coming from our zone!  We are going to see a miracle happen in Sicily!

 Pasta al Forna prepared by Sister Lina Calogero, a truly authentic Italian  lunch.  The Pasta is typical of Sicily !
She has been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint for 30 years and interestingly enough she remembers Mike when he served in Catania. That was a lunch bonus.!

 The Anziani serving lunch.

1 comment:

  1. looks like a much better version of spaghetti-o's! I bet the missionaries are loving having you and dad around! You're not the typical senior couple and I mean that in the kindest of ways :)
